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Version: v0.6

walrus preview

Generate or apply resource previews using the provided file path or folder.

walrus preview [flags]


  # Generate preview of the configuration in the walrus-file.yaml 
$ walrus preview -f walrus-file.yaml --run-labels key=value

# Generate preview of yaml files from a directory
$ walrus preview -f dir/ --run-labels key=value

# Generate preview of yamls files from a directory recursively
$ walrus preview -f dir/ --recursive --run-labels key=value

# Generate preview of yaml files with a specific project/environment
$ walrus preview -f dir/ --run-labels key=value -p my-project -e my-environment

# Apply generated preview with specific labels
$ walrus preview -f walrus-file.yaml --run-labels key=value --apply


      --apply                       Apply previews with the provided labels
--change-comment string Add comment to previews
-e, --environment string Environment for default use
-f, --filenames strings File path or folder path
-p, --project string Project for default use
-r, --recursive Recursive apply
--run-labels stringToString Labels for resource runs (default [])
--timeout int Timeout in seconds for the wait operation (default 300)
--validate-parameters-set Validate all parameters set
--wait Wait for the operation to complete

Options inherited from parent commands

  -d, --debug   Enable debug log
-h, --help Help for this command


  • walrus - Command line interface for Walrus