
Get outputs for a resource of an environment that belongs to a project.

Get outputs for a resource.

Get outputs for a resource of an environment that belongs to a project.

Path Parameters
    project string required
    environment string required
    resource string required
Query Parameters
    watch boolean


  • Array [
  • name string
    schema object
    allOf object[]
    allowEmptyValue boolean
    anyOf object[]
    default object
    deprecated boolean
    description string
    discriminator object
    mapping object
    property name* string
    propertyName string required
    enum object[]
    example object
    exclusiveMaximum boolean
    exclusiveMinimum boolean
    externalDocs object
    description string
    url string
    format string
    maxItems integer
    maxLength integer
    maxProperties integer
    maximum double
    minItems integer
    minLength integer
    minProperties integer
    minimum double
    multipleOf double
    nullable boolean
    oneOf object[]
    pattern string
    properties object
    readOnly boolean
    required string[]
    title string
    type string
    uniqueItems boolean
    writeOnly boolean
    xml object
    attribute boolean
    name string
    namespace string
    prefix string
    wrapped boolean
    sensitive boolean
    value byte
  • ]