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Version: v0.5

Upgrade for a resource of an environment that belongs to a project.

Upgrade for a resource.

Upgrade for a resource of an environment that belongs to a project.

Path Parameters
    project string required
    environment string required
    resource string required
Request Body required
    attributes object
    property name* byte
    changeComment string
    computedAttributes object
    property name* byte
    description string
    draft boolean

    Default value: false

    endpoints object[]
  • Array [
  • name string required
    url string required
  • ]
  • labels object
    property name* string
    resourceDefinitionMatchingRule object
    id string
    name string
    reuseAttributes boolean

    Default value: false

    template object
    id string
    name string
    project object
    id string
    name string
    version string
    type string


    message string
    status integer

    Default value: 200

    statusText string

    Default value: OK
