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Version: v0.5

Create a resource of an environment that belongs to a project.

Create a resource.

Create a resource of an environment that belongs to a project.

Path Parameters
    project string required
    environment string required
Request Body required
    attributes object
    property name* byte
    changeComment string
    computedAttributes object
    property name* byte
    description string
    draft boolean

    Default value: false

    endpoints object[]
  • Array [
  • name string required
    url string required
  • ]
  • labels object
    property name* string
    name string required
    resourceDefinitionMatchingRule object
    id string
    name string
    template object
    id string
    name string
    project object
    id string
    name string
    version string
    type string


    attributes object
    property name* byte
    computedAttributes object
    property name* byte
    createTime date-time
    description string
    endpoints object[]
  • Array [
  • name string required
    url string required
  • ]
  • environment object
    connectors object[]
  • Array [
  • connector object
    applicableEnvironmentType string
    category string
    configData object
    property name* object
    value byte
    visible boolean required
    configVersion string
    createTime date-time
    description string
    enableFinOps boolean
    finOpsCustomPricing object
    cpu string required
    gpu string required
    ram string required
    spotCPU string required
    spotGPU string required
    spotRAM string required
    storage string required
    id string
    labels object
    property name* string
    name string
    project object
    createTime date-time
    description string
    id string
    labels object
    property name* string
    name string
    updateTime date-time
    status object
    conditions object[]
  • Array [
  • lastUpdateTime date-time
    message string
    reason string required
    status string
    type string
  • ]
  • error boolean
    inactive boolean
    summaryStatus string
    summaryStatusMessage string
    transitioning boolean
    type string
    updateTime date-time
    createTime date-time
    id string
  • ]
  • createTime date-time
    description string
    id string
    labels object
    property name* string
    name string
    project object
    createTime date-time
    description string
    id string
    labels object
    property name* string
    name string
    updateTime date-time
    type string
    updateTime date-time
    id string
    labels object
    property name* string
    name string
    project object
    createTime date-time
    description string
    id string
    labels object
    property name* string
    name string
    updateTime date-time
    resourceDefinitionMatchingRule object
    attributes object
    property name* byte
    createTime date-time
    id string
    name string
    selector object
    environmentLabels object
    property name* string
    environmentNames string[]
    environmentTypes string[]
    projectLabels object
    property name* string
    projectNames string[]
    resourceLabels object
    property name* string
    template object
    createTime date-time
    id string
    name string
    project object
    createTime date-time
    description string
    id string
    labels object
    property name* string
    name string
    updateTime date-time
    schema object
    openAPISchema object required
    components object
    callbacks object
    examples object
    headers object
    links object
    parameters object
    requestBodies object
    responses object
    schemas object
    securitySchemes object
    externalDocs object
    description string
    url string
    info object required
    contact object
    email string
    name string
    url string
    description string
    license object
    name string required
    url string
    termsOfService string
    title string required
    version string required
    openapi string required
    security object[]
    servers object[]
  • Array [
  • description string
    url string required
    variables object
    property name* object
    default string
    description string
    enum string[]
  • ]
  • tags object[]
  • Array [
  • description string
    externalDocs object
    description string
    url string
    name string
  • ]
  • readme string required
    requiredProviders object[] required
  • Array [
  • name string required
  • ]
  • source string
    template object
    catalog object
    createTime date-time
    description string
    id string
    labels object
    property name* string
    name string
    project object
    createTime date-time
    description string
    id string
    labels object
    property name* string
    name string
    updateTime date-time
    source string
    status object
    conditions object[]
  • Array [
  • lastUpdateTime date-time
    message string
    reason string required
    status string
    type string
  • ]
  • error boolean
    inactive boolean
    summaryStatus string
    summaryStatusMessage string
    transitioning boolean
    sync object
    failed integer required
    succeeded integer required
    time date-time required
    total integer required
    type string
    updateTime date-time
    createTime date-time
    description string
    icon string
    id string
    labels object
    property name* string
    name string
    project object
    createTime date-time
    description string
    id string
    labels object
    property name* string
    name string
    updateTime date-time
    source string
    status object
    conditions object[]
  • Array [
  • lastUpdateTime date-time
    message string
    reason string required
    status string
    type string
  • ]
  • error boolean
    inactive boolean
    summaryStatus string
    summaryStatusMessage string
    transitioning boolean
    updateTime date-time
    uiSchema object
    openAPISchema object required
    components object
    callbacks object
    examples object
    headers object
    links object
    parameters object
    requestBodies object
    responses object
    schemas object
    securitySchemes object
    externalDocs object
    description string
    url string
    info object required
    contact object
    email string
    name string
    url string
    description string
    license object
    name string required
    url string
    termsOfService string
    title string required
    version string required
    openapi string required
    security object[]
    servers object[]
  • Array [
  • description string
    url string required
    variables object
    property name* object
    default string
    description string
    enum string[]
  • ]
  • tags object[]
  • Array [
  • description string
    externalDocs object
    description string
    url string
    name string
  • ]
  • updateTime date-time
    version string
    status object
    conditions object[]
  • Array [
  • lastUpdateTime date-time
    message string
    reason string required
    status string
    type string
  • ]
  • error boolean
    inactive boolean
    summaryStatus string
    summaryStatusMessage string
    transitioning boolean
    template object
    createTime date-time
    id string
    name string
    project object
    createTime date-time
    description string
    id string
    labels object
    property name* string
    name string
    updateTime date-time
    schema object
    openAPISchema object required
    components object
    callbacks object
    examples object
    headers object
    links object
    parameters object
    requestBodies object
    responses object
    schemas object
    securitySchemes object
    externalDocs object
    description string
    url string
    info object required
    contact object
    email string
    name string
    url string
    description string
    license object
    name string required
    url string
    termsOfService string
    title string required
    version string required
    openapi string required
    security object[]
    servers object[]
  • Array [
  • description string
    url string required
    variables object
    property name* object
    default string
    description string
    enum string[]
  • ]
  • tags object[]
  • Array [
  • description string
    externalDocs object
    description string
    url string
    name string
  • ]
  • readme string required
    requiredProviders object[] required
  • Array [
  • name string required
  • ]
  • source string
    template object
    catalog object
    createTime date-time
    description string
    id string
    labels object
    property name* string
    name string
    project object
    createTime date-time
    description string
    id string
    labels object
    property name* string
    name string
    updateTime date-time
    source string
    status object
    conditions object[]
  • Array [
  • lastUpdateTime date-time
    message string
    reason string required
    status string
    type string
  • ]
  • error boolean
    inactive boolean
    summaryStatus string
    summaryStatusMessage string
    transitioning boolean
    sync object
    failed integer required
    succeeded integer required
    time date-time required
    total integer required
    type string
    updateTime date-time
    createTime date-time
    description string
    icon string
    id string
    labels object
    property name* string
    name string
    project object
    createTime date-time
    description string
    id string
    labels object
    property name* string
    name string
    updateTime date-time
    source string
    status object
    conditions object[]
  • Array [
  • lastUpdateTime date-time
    message string
    reason string required
    status string
    type string
  • ]
  • error boolean
    inactive boolean
    summaryStatus string
    summaryStatusMessage string
    transitioning boolean
    updateTime date-time
    uiSchema object
    openAPISchema object required
    components object
    callbacks object
    examples object
    headers object
    links object
    parameters object
    requestBodies object
    responses object
    schemas object
    securitySchemes object
    externalDocs object
    description string
    url string
    info object required
    contact object
    email string
    name string
    url string
    description string
    license object
    name string required
    url string
    termsOfService string
    title string required
    version string required
    openapi string required
    security object[]
    servers object[]
  • Array [
  • description string
    url string required
    variables object
    property name* object
    default string
    description string
    enum string[]
  • ]
  • tags object[]
  • Array [
  • description string
    externalDocs object
    description string
    url string
    name string
  • ]
  • updateTime date-time
    version string
    type string
    updateTime date-time