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Version: v0.5

Integration with CI/CD Tools

This tutorial explains how to integrate the Walrus CLI with your CI/CD tools to achieve an automated deployment process.


To follow this tutorial, you will need:

  1. A GitHub Repo where you can fork our Demo project.
  2. Installation of Walrus.

Creating an API Key

First, you need to create an API key to allow the Walrus CLI to communicate with the Walrus server.

  1. Go to User information and click on API Keys, then click Add new key, configure a name, and set an expiration time for the key.
  2. Once completed, copy the generated key for later use.

Integration of Walrus CLI and CI/CD Tools

We will use CLI and GitHub Actions integration as an example.

  1. Go to your GitHub repository and create a ci.yaml file under the .github/workflows directory, defining your CI/CD workflow within.
  2. In the workflow, configure GitHub Actions secrets, including CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD, CI_WALRUS_SERVER, and CI_WALRUS_TOKEN, to securely store sensitive information. The format for CI_WALRUS_SERVER should be https://domain:port/.

Here's an example ci.yaml:

name: ci

- "main"

runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- amd64
- name: Download CLI
run: |
# Download walrus cli
curl -v -k -o walrus -LO "${{ secrets.CI_WALRUS_SERVER }}/cli?arch=amd64&os=linux"
chmod +x ./walrus

- name: Deploy
run: |
# Setup CLI config
./walrus config setup --server ${{ secrets.CI_WALRUS_SERVER }} --project web --environment dev --token ${{ secrets.CI_WALRUS_TOKEN }}

# Build and deploy from source code
./walrus service create --name simple-web-service --template '{"name":"deploy-source-code", "version":"v0.0.1"}' --attributes '{ "git_url": "", "git_branch": "main", "git_auth": false, "registry_auth": true, "registry_username": "sealio", "registry_password": "${{ secrets.CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD }}", "image": "sealio/simple-web-service:${{ github.sha }}", "namespace": "default", "name": "simple-web-service"}' -d

After deployment, you can view the corresponding service in Walrus. For more CLI-related operations, please refer to the CLI documentation.