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Version: v0.6

Local Docker Mode

Walrus can be deployed in local Docker mode. Using this mode, developers can deploy Walrus files on Docker locally on their PCs. This allows for consistent application specification, matching the one applied to a production Kubernetes environment. No need to use Kubernetes locally—simply use Docker instead.


  • Docker installed, if not please refer to Docker's official documentation for how to set up Docker on your machine.
  • (Optional) Docker Desktop installed with Docker Extensions enabled. Walrus Docker extension will be installed if applicable.
  • Walrus CLI installed, if not please refer to CLI documentation for how to install Walrus CLI.

Install Local Walrus

Run the following command to install Walrus in local docker mode.

walrus local install

You should see the following output:

? Install Walrus docker extension to proceed [y/N] y
Checking readiness...
Walrus CLI is configured.

You can configure server options for the local Walrus using the --env(-e) flag. For example, to set Gitee as the default catalog provider, run the following command:

walrus local install -e SERVER_BUILTIN_CATALOG_PROVIDER=gitee

Note: Due to the limitation that Docker Extensions cannot provide bootstrap options, when this flag is set, the local Walrus will be installed using a plain Docker container, even if Docker Extensions are enabled in your Docker Desktop.

Deploy Resources

Now you can start deployments using Walrus CLI. For example, given the following nginx example from the Walrus File Hub,

# nginx.yaml
- name: nginx
type: containerservice
- image: nginx
profile: run
- internal: 80
external: 80
- path: /usr/share/nginx/html/index.html
content: |
<h1>Welcome to Walrus!</h1>

Run the following command to deploy the nginx example.

walrus apply -f nginx.yaml --wait

You should see the following output:

resource default/local/nginx created
resource default/local/nginx is in status: Deploying
resource default/local/nginx is in status: Preparing
resource default/local/nginx is in status: Ready

After that, you can list the resources to verify and get the service URL to access.

walrus resource list

You should see the following output:

 ID                   NAME    ENDPOINTS                                             TYPE               STATUS   CREATED
-------------------- ------- ----------------------------------------------------- ------------------ -------- -----------------------------
498114759510458370 nginx [{"name":"80:80/http","url":"http://localhost:80"}] containerservice Ready 2024-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z

Uninstall Local Walrus

Run the following command to uninstall Walrus in local docker mode.

walrus local uninstall