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Version: v0.6


List all options of Walrus as below.

sudo docker run --rm -it sealio/walrus:v0.6.0 walrus --help
NameEnvironment VariableDefaultUsageConfigure Multiple Times?
--bind-address$SERVER_BIND_ADDRESS0.0.0.0The IP address on which to listen.
--bind-with-dual-stack$SERVER_BIND_WITH_DUAL_STACKtrueEnable dual stack socket listening.
--enable-tls$SERVER_ENABLE_TLStrueEnable HTTPs.
--tls-cert-file$SERVER_TLS_CERT_FILEThe file containing the default x509 certificate for HTTPS. If any CA certs, concatenated after server cert file.
--tls-private-key-file$SERVER_TLS_PRIVATE_KEY_FILEThe file containing the default x509 private key matching --tls-cert-file.
--tls-cert-dir$SERVER_TLS_CERT_DIRk8s:///secretsThe directory where the TLS certs are located. If --tls-cert-file and --tls-private-key-file are provided, this flag will be ignored. If --tls-cert-file and --tls-private-key-file are not provided, the certificate and key of auto-signed or self-signed are saved to where this flag specified. By default, the keypair are saved to the hosted Kubernetes cluster with 'k8s:///secrets', which can be shared between multiple instances for high availability. If you wanna saving to the local directory, use '/path/to/save' please, and make sure the directory is writable between multiple instances.
--tls-auto-cert-domains$SERVER_TLS_AUTO_CERT_DOMAINSThe domains to accept ACME HTTP-01 or TLS-ALPN-01 challenge to generate HTTPS x509 certificate and private key, and saved to the directory specified by --tls-cert-dir. If --tls-cert-file and --tls-key-file are provided, this flag will be ignored.Y
--bootstrap-password$SERVER_BOOTSTRAP_PASSWORDThe password to bootstrap instead of random generating.
--conn-qps$SERVER_CONN_QPS10The qps(maximum average number per second) when dialing the server.
--conn-burst$SERVER_CONN_BURST20The burst(maximum number at the same moment) when dialing the server.
--websocket-conn-max-per-ip$SERVER_WEBSOCKET_CONN_MAX_PER_IP25The maximum number of websocket connections per IP.
--gopool-worker-factor$SERVER_GOPOOL_WORKER_FACTOR25The gopool worker factor determines the number of tasks of the goroutine worker pool,it is calculated by the number of CPU cores multiplied by this factor.
--kubeconfig$SERVER_KUBECONFIGThe configuration path of the worker kubernetes cluster.
--kube-conn-timeout$SERVER_KUBE_CONN_TIMEOUT5mThe timeout for dialing the worker kubernetes cluster.
--kube-conn-qps$SERVER_KUBE_CONN_QPS16The qps(maximum average number per second) when dialing the worker kubernetes cluster.
--kube-conn-burst$SERVER_KUBE_CONN_BURST64The burst(maximum number at the same moment) when dialing the worker kubernetes cluster.
--kube-leader-election$SERVER_KUBE_LEADER_ELECTIONtrueThe config to determines whether or not to use leader election, leader election is primarily used in multi-instance deployments.
--kube-leader-lease$SERVER_KUBE_LEADER_LEASE15sThe duration to keep the leadership. If --kube-leader-election=false, this flag will be ignored. When the network environment is not ideal or do not want to cause frequent access to the cluster, please increase the value appropriately.
--kube-leader-renew-timeout$SERVER_KUBE_LEADER_RENEW_TIMEOUT10sThe duration to renew the leadership before give up, must be less than the duration of --kube-leader-lease.If --kube-leader-election=false, this flag will be ignored. When the network environment is not ideal, please increase the value appropriately.
--data-source-address$SERVER_DATA_SOURCE_ADDRESSThe addresses for connecting data source, e.g. Postgres(postgres://[username[:password]@]host[:port]/dbname[?param1=value1&...mN=valueN]).
--data-source-conn-max-open$SERVER_DATA_SOURCE_CONN_MAX_OPEN15The maximum opening connections for connecting data source.
--data-source-conn-max-idle$SERVER_DATA_SOURCE_CONN_MAX_IDLE5The maximum idling connections for connecting data source.
--data-source-conn-max-life$SERVER_DATA_SOURCE_CONN_MAX_LIFE10mThe maximum lifetime for connecting data source.
--data-source-data-encryption$SERVER_DATA_SOURCE_DATA_ENCRYPTIONThe algorithm and key(in-hex string) for encrypting the user credentials storing in data source, e.g. aesgcm:3a9b4000d0ad8fbcd01eb922231d395d, aesgcm:b4d1c09dcf62214a05d85548b9217b34da63224d2605938abb6bf384050d2222.
--cache-source-address$SERVER_CACHE_SOURCE_ADDRESSThe addresses for connecting cache source, e.g. Redis(redis://[username[:password]@]host[:port]/dbname[?param1=value1&...mN=valueN]), Redis Cluster(rediss://[username[:password]@]host[:port]?addr=host2[:port2]&addr=host3[:port3][&param1=value1&...&paramN=valueN]).
--cache-source-conn-max-open$SERVER_CACHE_SOURCE_CONN_MAX_OPEN0The maximum opening connections for connecting cache source.
--cache-source-conn-max-idle$SERVER_CACHE_SOURCE_CONN_MAX_IDLE0The maximum idling connections for connecting cache source.
--cache-source-conn-max-life$SERVER_CACHE_SOURCE_CONN_MAX_LIFE0sThe maximum lifetime for connecting cache source.
--enable-authn$SERVER_ENABLE_AUTHNtrueEnable authentication.
--authn-session-max-idle$SERVER_AUTHN_SESSION_MAX_IDLE30mThe maximum idling duration for keeping authenticated session, it represents the max-age of authenticated cookie.
--casdoor-server$SERVER_CASDOOR_SERVERThe URL for connecting external casdoor server.
--builtin-catalog-provider$SERVER_BUILTIN_CATALOG_PROVIDERgithubSpecify the provider type for creating builtin catalogs, select from 'github' or 'gitee'.