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Version: v0.4


A template is a pre-defined service framework or architecture which includes a set of related resource definitions, inputs and outputs.


Walrus currently supports Terraform module as the template type which is stored in git code repositories.

Template Sources

  • Catalog Import

A catalog is a collection of templates. After adding a catalog, all templates included in the library will be automatically imported.

  • Create Independent Template

Add an independent template with a git repository address through the Walrus UI.

Template Structure

Walrus supports a template structure compatible with Terraform modules, including the following files.

├── schema.yaml
├── icon.svg

The main file for Terraform configuration, containing resource definitions and configurations.


Configuration file for Terraform variables. In this file, you define information such as variable names, types, default values, and more.


Configuration file for Terraform outputs. Outputs allow you to export specific values from Terraform execution for use by other Terraform configurations, scripts, or manual operations. In this file, you define output names and their associated values.

  • schema.yaml

Configuration file for defining the template UI style. The content of schema.yaml is in the openAPI format of UI Schema, which includes custom configurations such as variable types, styles, validations, default values, etc., from

  • icon.svg

The template will use the image file named "icon" in the root path of the default branch of the source repository as the template's icon. The supported image file formats are: .png, .jpg, .jpeg, .svg. If no icon file is found, the default icon will be used.

Customizing Template UI Styles

Walrus extends style definitions based on Terraform variables through UI Schema, aiding in generating more user-friendly forms on the interface.

Configuration Method


UI styles can be configured by adding a schema.yaml in the template repository. If the repository includes schema.yaml, Walrus will use the UI styles configured in schema.yaml.

Below is an example of schema.yaml:

openapi: 3.0.3
title: OpenAPI schema for template webservice
- image
type: object
title: Image Name
type: string
description: Docker image name
group: Basic
title: Ports
type: array
description: Service ports to expose
- 80
type: number
group: Basic

Walrus provides a tool to generate the schema.yaml file based on the Terraform module.

  1. Go to Walrsu Release and download walrus-cli.
  2. Run the command to grant permission: chmod +x walrus-cli
  3. Run the command to generate schema.yaml: walrus-cli schema generate --dir=${dir for module}

Walrus UI Configuration

When the repository does not include a schema.yaml file, Walrus will automatically configure UI styles based on the file. The generated styles can be viewed in the template's UI Schema.

Configuration Items

UI Schema is based on the OpenAPI 3.0 file structure, written in YAML format. It includes both the basic structure of the OpenAPI Schema and the extensions part, combining to define extended styles.

OpenAPI Schema Basic Configuration

titleDisplay name of the variable
typeVariable type
descriptionVariable description
defaultDefault value of the variable
formatSupports configuring a password, using a password input box for string variables
enumOptional range of variable values
readOnlyRestricts the variable value from being modified
writeOnlyRestricts the variable as write-only
minimumRestricts the minimum value for number/integer-type variables
maximumRestricts the maximum value for number/integer-type variables
minLengthRestricts the minimum length for string-type variables
maxLengthRestricts the maximum length for string-type variables
requiredConfigures the required sub-variables for Object-type variables, with an array containing the names of sub-variables
propertiesUsed for configuring sub-variables for object-type variables
itemsUsed for configuring elements for array-type variables

x-walrus-ui Extension Configuration

OpenAPI supports additional properties with the x- prefix, and Walrus supports additional configuration of styles through the x-walrus-ui extension.

groupVariable grouping
hiddenWhether to hide the variable
immutableWhether the variable supports modification
showIfVariable display condition
widgetConfigures the use of Walrus controls

Walrus Extension Widget

Built-in extension controls within Walrus can be configured in the widget, and the UI will display according to the configured style.

YamlEditorYAML editor
TextAreaMulti-line input box

Runtime Context

In the template, runtime context information related to projects, environments, and resources can be obtained through the context variable. You need to declare the context variable in the template, and Walrus will automatically inject the value of the context variable during deployment. The declaration is as follows:

variable "context" {
description = <<-EOF
Receive contextual information. When Walrus deploys, Walrus will inject specific contextual information into this field.

name: string
id: string
name: string
id: string
name: string
id: string
type = map(any)
default = {}

The context information is as follows:

ContextSub ContextProperty TypeDescription
projectnameStringProject name to which the resource belongs
projectidStringProject ID to which the resource belongs
environmentnameStringEnvironment name to which the resource belongs
environmentidStringEnvironment ID to which the resource belongs
environmentnamespaceStringNamespace managed by Walrus, available in Kubernetes environments
resourcenameStringService name
resourceidStringService ID


Walrus captures the outputs defined in the Terraform file, and after deployment, the outputs will be displayed on the service's output page. Walrus supports capturing user-defined access URLs. Configure the output name with endpoint as a prefix (as shown in the configuration below), and Walrus will capture these outputs as Access URL for display.

output "endpoint_web" {
value = "http://${}:${var.port}"