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Version: v0.4

Resource Definitions

A resource definition specifies a new type of resource, detailing its name, type, matching rules, and schema for deployment and usage under certain conditions. This enables Walrus to understand and manage the lifecycle of this resource type effectively.

Viewing the Resource Definition List

  1. Click on Operation Hub in the left-hand sidebar.
  2. Select the Resource Definitions tab to view the list of resource definitions.


Viewing Resource Definition Details

  1. Navigate to Operation Hub -> Resource Definitions in the left-hand sidebar to access the list of resource definitions.
  2. Locate the resource definition you wish to view and click on its name to open its detailed page.

Creating a Resource Definition

  1. Select New Resource Definition in the list of resource definitions.
  2. Complete the form. Name serves as the identifier of the resource definition, while Type denotes the resource's type. Both Name and Type must be unique within the system. Matching Rules specify how resources of this type align with templates under certain conditions. For more information, refer to Resource Definition Matching Rules.
  3. Click Save to finalize the creation.


Deleting a Resource Definition

  1. Go to Operation Hub -> Resource Definitions in the left-hand sidebar to view the list of resource definitions.
  2. Identify the resource definition you intend to delete.
  3. Before selecting the resource definition for deletion, ensure no existing resources depend on it. Then, click the Delete button.
  4. Confirm the deletion by clicking the Confirm button.


Resource Definition Matching Rules

The matching rules for resource definitions dictate the template and configuration used when deploying that type of resource.


A single matching rule can include multiple selectors. These selectors are based on equality, and their combination functions through a logical AND operation. A resource aligns with a matching rule if it meets all of the rule's selectors, leading to the application of the associated template and configuration during deployment.

For instance, a matching rule with selectors Project Name=foo and Environment Name=dev matches a resource in the foo project's dev environment, whereas it doesn't match a resource in the test environment.

Rule Precedence

Matching rules are not required to be exclusive. That is, multiple rules can match a single resource. In such scenarios, the first matched rule is selected based on the order of the matching rules in the resource definition.

Template Configuration

Template configurations within each matching rule are applied during the deployment of a resource following that rule. If a configuration is outlined in the resource definition schema and set by users in resource attributes,

Resource Definition Schema

The schema (input variables and outputs) of a resource definition is generated automatically from the combined schema of all templates included in its matching rules.

For example, consider a resource definition that uses Templates A and B in its matching rules.

  • Template A includes inputs image and size, and outputs endpoint and status.
  • Template B includes inputs image and region, and outputs endpoint and create_time.

Consequently, the resource definition's schema will include the input image and the output endpoint.

Customizing the UI Schema of a Resource Definition

You can customize the UI schema of a resource definition. This is especially useful when you want to simplify or modify the configurations available to users for resources of that type.

  1. Access Operation Hub -> Resource Definitions in the left-hand sidebar to view the list of resource definitions.
  2. Locate the desired resource definition and click on its name to view its details.
  3. Select the UI Schema tab.
  4. Click on the ellipsis (...) button in the top-right corner and select Edit.
  5. Modify the schema in the UI editor as needed. You can toggle between editing and preview modes by clicking Preview or Schema.
  6. Save your changes by clicking Save.